About Funding
In its early years, EPIC managed its programs and projects from year-to-year, based on uncertain funding. Part of the struggle with any community-based organization is providing services that fulfill the interests of funding sources while, at the same time, keeping the organization that meets those needs alive and well. Sustained support from The Law Foundation of Nova Scotia began to change that. Now, after more than 20 years and many testimonials and awards, EPIC enjoys a higher level of provincial and local support than ever before, all of which provides this worthy organization a modicum of financial security. However, financial support can never be taken for granted.

EPIC has been successful at surviving and thriving for many reasons, but here are a few:
Forging and maintaining good relations with all levels of government, private foundations and corporations by offering accountability and integrity along with its well-managed, effective programs and projects
Hours and hours of volunteer time have gone into researching funding sources, writing proposals and reports and working in partnership with governmental and private sources of funding.
EPIC has been flexible and innovative in stretching itself to challenges that arise from funding issues.