On December 6th in Toronto, Ontario–at the provincial Lieutenant Governor’s residence–EPIC took home the $20,000 William H. Donner Award for Excellence in the Delivery of Social Services, the overall award for the highest-performing agency in Canada. This is the second time EPIC has earned this national recognition. The first time was in 2010. EPIC also won its category, Excellence in the Delivery of Services for Children, which brings with it a $5,000 prize.
On hand to accept this award was Barb Donovan, former and long-time Director of Youth Peer Program and now Facilitator of our burgeoning Breakthrough program.

The Donner Canadian Foundation Awards are held each year. This year, EPIC was the best managed agency out of approximately 500 applicants from all over Canada. Thank you to the volunteers, staff and management team of the Youth Peer Breakthrough and Parents PEACE Program and the EPIC volunteer Board of Directors for making this little charity one of the best in Canada!
